Hear from our dentists

Never let timelines slip again like Matt

Matt has been a general dentist for over ten years. His interest is in oral health with clear aligners being just one piece of the puzzle.

He found working with an orthodontist gave him the ability to treat a broad range of patients with the highest quality outcomes, helping his aligner practice work in sync with his other treatments.

Go from an aligner zero to hero like Jodie

Jodie is a general dentist in Glasgow who has special interests in sedation and nervous patients. She'd never felt comfortable providing aligners before discovering 32Co's unique orthodontist-led approach.

A graduate of the Starter and Stretch courses Jodie loves working side by side with an orthodontist on her cases and clear aligners are now a staple of her practice.

Switch up orthodontist input like Simon

With over a decade of aligner experience under his belt and a specialism in aeshetic dentistry, Simon is an aligner veteran. As he's done this for a while now he has certain case presentations he can treat with his eyes closed.

That's why he changes the orthodontist support he needs per case by switching between 32Co's Duo and Solo service.

Find a community like Bogdan

Bogdan spent his early dentistry years in Bucharest before moving UK-side as a general dentist. By the time he got here he was already an aligner pro with orthodontic training under his belt.

But it was working alongisde a top orthodontist that finally made him feel at home as it gave him the sense of collaboration and community he was missing.

Dr. Daniel Paton

Transform treatment outcomes like Dan

“Before 32Co I didn’t really know what I was missing out on. I thought having 2, 3 or 4 refinements for a case was normal, and my patients were happy so I guess I was doing something right? Since 32Co I’ve realised how much I was previously worrying about being able to meet my patients’ expectations and spotting things that might make a case less predictable.

My treatments suddenly improved tenfold as I could collaborate with an expert on plans and message them directly whenever I had a patient-related question.”

Dr. Adam

Meet any patient's expectations like Adam

"I used to always pass clear aligners on to our orthodontist. But this all changed with 32Co. As my treatment plans were written by a specialist orthodontist I felt safe taking on new cases knowing I had the backup and point of contact with an expert should I need it.

Now I can take on more complex cases and meet my patients’ expectations with results they had never thought were possible. Thank you 32Co!"